As an atheist, whenever I read about the latest clash between sectarian pretenders-to-the-only-true- orthodoxy, I sit back, shake my head, and laugh. The latest manifestation of human stupidity, the proposed buring of Qurans by the Rev. Terry Jones and the truculent response by Muslims, reveals the fantasy world many human beings inhabit. What rational person is at all concerned with the destruction of books composed of the rantings of a rapacious megalomaniac? This condemnation, with some differences, applies as well to the fatuous texts of the other "book religions," Christianity and Judaism.
Evolution worked to create in human beings an intense natural inclination to form themselves into groups; us against them. Religion, disingenuous and self-serving by nature, is the vessel within which social forces act to engender and potentiate suspicion, fear and hatred among spiritual coalitions. If all "holy books" disappeared tomorrow the world would be a more enlightened and civilized place for it.
cogito ergo atheos sum
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