Friday, September 3, 2010


And speaking about the print media, the Aug. 30, 2010 issue of Time magazine posed the question, "Is America Islamophobic?" My response to Time follows.

Religion has been a great divisive force in civilization since the fatuous concept of "God" and it's adjunct "religion" were invented. As the philosopher said, "God did not make us. We made God." The sectarian clash over the mosque in New York is just the latest manifestation of enmity actuated by the disingenuous and malignant influence of orthodoxy.
Evolution worked to create in human beings an intense natural inclination to form ourselves into groups; us against them. Religion is the vessel within which social forces act to engender and potentiate suspicion, fear, and hatred among rival spiritual coalitions.
Until humanity develops the courage and honesty to admit that all religions are false, misanthropic behavior in the name of an illusory deity will continue. Without the enfeebling crutch of religion people will be free to bond together and create a world based on human values, not affected worship of a creature whose existence is speculative at best. Zola got it right when he said, "Civilization will not attain to it's perfection until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest."

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